アカデミー賞受賞監督による、三船敏郎長編ドキュメンタリー映画「MIFUNE: The Last Samurai」が有楽町スバル座にて5月12日より公開。初日舞台挨拶には女優の香川京子、司葉子、ナレーションを務めたEXILE AKIRAと三船史郎が登壇。司会は水道橋博士。6月中旬よりスバル座での2週間の追加上映も決定。全国各所でも公開中。詳しい情報は映画HPをご覧ください。
Toshiro Mifune’s feature documentary “MIFUNE: THE LAST SAMURAI” premiers in theaters in Japan from May 12th. The first day Q&A was with Actress Kyoko Kagawa and Tsukasa Yoko, actor AKIRA and Shiro Mifune, hosted by Suiodbashi Hakase at the Subaruza theater. Kyoko Kagawa starred with Mifune in films including “High and Low”, “The Bad Sleep Well” and “Red Beard”. Yoko Tsukasa starred with Mifune in films including “Yojimbo”, “Samurai Saga”, and “Samurai Rebellion”.